Love Essays (Examples)

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Love What Is Love What Is Love
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

hat is love?

hat is love? Yikes! hat a difficult question to answer. Not only because there are many types of love: true love, romantic love, plutonic love, brotherly love, etc., but because love can also be an ineffable emotion, something that defies articulation or delineation. So, to some extent, attempting to define love is an exercise in futility. But that doesn't mean that we don't recognize it when we see it (Stewart). Therefore, it is the purpose of this essay to examine certain depictions of love in literature to see if they help one define what love is.

One would be hard pressed to find a more iconic example of love than the love shared between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Their love is so deep, so strong, so extreme that they each make the ultimate sacrifice to be next to one another in the afterlife.…...


Works Cited

Bronte, Emily, Fritz Eichenberg, and Bruce Rogers. Wuthering Heights. New York:

Random House, 1943. Print.

Shakespeare, William, and Richard Hosley. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet;. New

Haven: Yale UP, 1954. Print.

Love Is a Personal Issue That Attracts
Pages: 5 Words: 2496

Love is a personal issue that attracts public debate with each person giving it their own approach as understood or experienced in the past. The two stories herein look into people in search of love and another set, a group of people trying to understand the love they have experienced in the past. There are depiction of people trying to get into terms with what love is and trying to experience it at their best.
There is no universal definition of love or a universal way of experiencing love within the society or a place where love can best be experienced on the face of the earth.

Love in L.A

The short story is presented in a fast paced speed with events unfolding fast and close to each other. It revolves around Jake driving an old car on the free way with the traffic congestion not making things any easy for him. He…...



Baker A., (2011). Short Story Reviews: What we Talk about when we Talk about Love by Raymond Carver. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from 

Carver R., (1981). What We Talk about When We Talk about Love. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from

Gild D., (1950). Love in L.A. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from

Love There Are Two Main
Pages: 4 Words: 1560

It does so since it sees sex as a subject that sells.
The culture, too, still has largely Freudian perspective, where it is thought that unless a person gives into their sexual desires and has sex, the person remains unfulfilled and leads an empty existence. ex, it is supposed, is an uncontrollable drive that if unsatisfied results in misery and dissatisfaction in life as well as in a warped personality.

Parents, on the other hand, get more intimidated by the subject and are more reluctant and less open about discussing the subject than the media and popular culture is. They go to the other extreme, and whilst having a more realistic perspective, are reluctant to discuss the subject .

A shallow person would have the perspective of the media seeing the other more in terms of body and gratification and likely entering into various sexual relationships more for the sake of recreation.…...



Aron, a., & Aron, E.N. (1986). love and the expansion of self: Understanding attraction and satisfaction. New York: Hemisphere.

Aron, E.N., & Aron, a. (1996). love and expansion of the self: The state of the model. Personal Relationships, 3, 45-58.

Fromm, Erich (2000) the Art of Loving, Harper Perennial

Lewis, Thomas; Amini, F., & Lannon, R. (2000). A General Theory of Love. Random House.

Love Med Love and Loss in Love
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Love Med
Love and Loss in Love Medicine

The sad narrative of life on an Indian Reservation is one that cannot be told within the scope of a single generation. Instead, it must relayed across multiple interconnected generations persisting within a beleaguered collective culture. In many ways, this is the only way to gain a nuanced understanding of the way tribal life now persists, splintered by the invasion of the European lifestyle but echoed in the inextricably linked families that still remain. This tribal orientation, if not today the protective and familial force that it was before the arrival of the Europeans, gives America's Native Americans a shared feeing of cultural otherness. This is the premise that underscores the groundbreaking 1984 text by Louise Erdich and which is even further affirmed by the 1993 Extended Edition of Love Medicine considered here. The Erdich text is perhaps most important for providing a peering…...


Works Cited:

Erdich, L. (1993). Love Medicine: Extended Edition. Harper Perennial.

Love Poem John Frederick Nims and Love
Pages: 5 Words: 1551

Love Poem
John Frederick Nims and "Love Poem"

John Frederick Nims was a poet who was both prolific (he published eight books of poetry (Famous Poets)) and well-regarded (earned such awards as the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature (Famous Poets)). The amount of poetry and the awards one receives are not marks of greatness alone, but the quality of the poetry is. Of course, one might assume that someone who is allowed to publish a great deal of poetry and receives grants and fellowships to continue writing poems is doing something right. But that does not mean that the poet is someone who readers will enjoy. NIms could have been someone that was critically, but not popularly, acclaimed; but this was not the case. John Frederick Nims was a poet, enjoyed by all those who read his poetry, who wrote a few that are still recognized as exemplary.…...


Works Cited

Famous Poets. "John Frederick Nims." Famous Poets and Poems, 2006. Web.

Nims, John F. The Complete Poems of Michelangelo. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998. Print.

Nims, John F. The Six-Cornered Snowflake and Other Poems. New York: New Directions Publishing. Print.

Nims, John F. The Poems of St. John of the Cross. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1979. Print.

Love's Executioner I Do Not Like to
Pages: 2 Words: 565

Love's Executioner
I do not like to work with patients who are in love. Perhaps it is because of envy… (Yalom)

I can understand the dilemma that Yalom proposes in the chapter named 'Love's Executioner." Love is associated with such positive emotions. Yet for some people, it is more of an infatuation instead that led to malignant thoughts and behaviors. Thelma had a love affair with her previous counselor. She spoke very fondly of him and his therapeutic practices as her face and gestures were highly animated. She look forward to each and every therapy session she had however eventually they stopped after the therapist (Matthew) took a new job. About a year later Thelma ran into Matthew in a public location. The two hit it off, talked all night, and eventually became intimate.

There intimacy developed quickly over a short period of time; especially for Thelma. They saw each other a handle…...

Love Pathetique in the Character of Lucy
Pages: 5 Words: 2081

Love Pathetique
In the character of Lucy Gayheart, in the novel of the same name, Willa Cather embodies a vision of idealized romantic Love. This is such a vast Love that it requires a capital L. For Lucy, Love is intense, yearning, painful and tragic. It offers escape, freedom, elevation, fire, passion and pain. Love and Art (or music as art) and fiery passion are intimately intertwined in Lucy's vision. In fact they become identified as one, and for Lucy Gayheart these three are the essence of Life. Without this expanded Love, Lucy cannot have Life. In the absence of this Love, Lucy dies. In the character of Lucy Gayheart, Willa Cather unites Love and Life and Art and Passion into one all encompassing concept of romantic liberation from the mundane.

From the earliest meetings with Lucy, Cather makes sure that the reader sees what is essential about her. There is no…...

Love According to Coleridge and Shelley the
Pages: 6 Words: 1537

Love According to Coleridge and Shelley
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Coleridge uses the tale of an old sailor to reveal what love is all about. In this story, The Mariner and his crew travel around the world and then head back to England.

Coleridge begins the story as an old sailor approaches three young men headed for a wedding celebration and talks one of them into listening to his story. The young man resists this interruption at first but is soon intrigued by the tale.

The old man tells him of his adventures on a ship with his crew. When the crew was sailing, a strong force pulled them in the direction of the South Pole, a "land of ice, and of fearful sounds, where no living thing was to be seen," and the crew was helpless and afraid. When the…...



Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Penguin Books, 1818.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, the Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Complete, Authoritative Text of the 1798 and 1817 Versions with Biographical and historical Contexts, critical History, and essays from contemporary critical perspectives. Boston; Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999.

Love What Is Love Love According to
Pages: 2 Words: 580

What is Love? Love, according to the Holy Bible, is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast and is not proud. Love never fails (NIV 811). This simple term for the most powerful emotion in the world is simply not enough. Love is all these things, it has the ability to empower and increase confidence, to lighten a mood or make the world seem a better place. Yet it also has the ability to always makes us feel useless, like a newborn child or totally incapable of doing the most simplest of tasks.

Therefore, what is this intangible emotion and power that can leave us without any control over ourselves and increases our vulnerability to being hurt? The Oxford New English Dictionary defines Love as being "a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone" (Oxford English Dictionary 1094). If love was as simple as this definition then the lovers…...

Love Must Not Be Forgotten
Pages: 2 Words: 627

As Shanshan recounted, the writings in the journal had a deep effect on any reader.
Shanshan's thinking is significant due to the reason that it expresses the change that took place in the Chinese culture. During the last decades, people began to crave for independence as each person had wanted to express more freely and independently.

Shanshan and her mother, Zhong Yu, had both hoped true love would come find them, but each refrained from acting in order to attain it. In addition to that, both Shanshan and her mother had been accustomed to dodging any chance to true love that they got. In their opinion, love had almost been a wonderful dream which could not become true for them. A reason for their fear of being in love might be that they had been in fact afraid from making a change in their lives. The respective change would not be…...

Love Poems Falling in Love for the
Pages: 2 Words: 414

Love Poems
Falling in love for the first time is a wondrous experience. The new emotions are exciting. We feel that no one else has ever experienced this feeling and no one else quite understands. As young teens, we think we understand these feelings in a way the adults around us do not. We may look back at that innocent time and smile at our own naivety, but at the time, the feelings were very real. As we mature, we come to understand that this first love was not based in anything that would last a lifetime. Yet, falling in love in this naive way prepares us to love again as we move into adulthood and get ready for deep and meaningful relationships.


Feelings swirl

Thoughts whirl

Too young to understand

At least that's what they said

Didn't they remember?

How could one forget?

Waking up, feeling fresh and new

Going to sleep, or trying to With bits and…...

Love Is How We Feel Toward Those
Pages: 2 Words: 544

Love Is How We Feel Toward Those Who Show Us That Which Is Lovable About Ourselves
Love is something that many have defined or rather tried to define in many ways, but Gerry Spence' definition is one of the most accurate ones that we may come across. According to his definition of love, it is truly the quality that others recognize in us that tells us a lot. When we become aware of the same we understand how much that person loves us. This is something that arouses our feelings, and helps us build a good, healthy relationship.

This definition of love that Gerry Spence has given us is indeed something that is true, and describes the feeling of love in the true context. He isn't speaking of sexual love or an attraction just from the physical appearance of another person. He is actually referring to the recognition of virtues that one…...

Love Song of J Alfred
Pages: 2 Words: 922

.. I grow old...' are the evidence of the impending fear of death. One unusual part of the poem is how Eliot, or Prufrock, puts himself into a role in one of Shakespeare's plays and then admits that he is no Hamlet by saying 'No! I am not the Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be.' Although I am guessing, I feel that Eliot was trying to say that Shakespeare's world and Eliot's twentieth century world were not so different and the modern world may even be simply a continuation of Shakespeare's. This entails that he could become another Hamlet.
Modernism can be defined as the twentieth century's new artistic or literary style made popular by poets such as T.S. Eliot and other artists, poets and writers of the time. The period was full of turmoil as there was the World War in Europe and in the United States there were…...



Bentley, Joseph, & Brooker, Jewel Spears (1990). Reading the Waste Land: Modernism and the Limits of Interpretation. Amhearst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Elliot, T.S. (1917). The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Retrieved November 28, 2004, at 


Love on the Fringes The
Pages: 4 Words: 1642

He talks about "writing desperate love letters on sidewalks in the shape of bloodied snow angels" (Plascencia, p.109). He agrees to participate in Saturn's war because Saturn's war is, at its core, about love.
Moreover, Saturn acknowledges the importance of love. He is at war, which if there is ever a time for a man to be ruthless and set aside compassion, war is that time. However, his enemy has been hurt. His wife has left him for another man. Saturn respects that. In fact, Plascencia acknowledges this by noting: "while it is said that everything is fair in love and war, the dictum is nullified when both love and war occur simultaneously; then, the rules of battle become more stringent. The politics of war can always be argued, but there is an undeniable sympathy that must be extended when a woman leaves a man" (Plascencia, p.105). That statement reveals…...


Works Cited

Flanagan, Richard. Gould's Book of Fish. New York, Grove Atlantic, 2001.

Plascencia, Salvador. The People of Paper. Orlando: Harcourt, 2005.

Love Marriage Is an Earthly
Pages: 4 Words: 1449

When they say good night, Dave kisses Stacy on the mouth. The kiss shocks Stacy, who realizes she is playing with fire.
The story of Stacy and Brian illustrates some of the core issues at play in a marriage with a potential conflict. Stacy has not yet cheated on Brian, but she seems dangerously close to doing so. The conflict is only shallowly related to sex. Although sex is surely an important component of an enduring marriage, the root cause of Stacy's behavior is her feeling neglected by her husband.

To resolve the conflict between Stacy and Brian, it would be important to focus on what the couple can do to rekindle their love and romance. Stacy needs to feel greater self-acceptance rather than relying on the attention given to her by other men to feel loved. At the same time, Stacy needs to confront Brian about her needs and Brian…...

Can you help me with an essay conclusion for an ocean pollution essay?
Words: 334

If we were writing an ocean pollution essay, after presenting facts about ocean pollution we would almost certainly want to discuss solutions. is one of our favorite organizations to look at for solutions about ocean pollution because it provides strong science-based information about ocean pollution, as well as easy action points that people can take to help address the problem.  We love the idea of providing solutions because an essay that just gives facts about ocean pollution is going to be overwhelmingly depressing because ocean pollution and the havoc that it has caused the environment are,....

Discuss the ideas developed by the playwright, William Shakespeare, in the play, Romeo and Juliet about the significance of truth in an individual’s life?
Words: 367

Full confession.  We find Romeo and Juliet to be one of Shakespeare’s least appealing plays, and one of the reasons is because, while the theme of truth (and the related theme of lies) plays a significant role in the play, there is also the questions of whether the characters are even old enough to possess the self-awareness that is required for lying about feelings. 

When Romeo professes his love for Juliet, she wonders if his words are true.  Her worries are based in the fact that, even at her young age, Juliet seems to know that sometimes boys....

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